November 05, 2010
Phillips & Cohen whistleblower case yields record settlement for fraud by U.S. contractor in Afghanistan
BALTIMORE, MD – A whistleblower lawsuit was the basis for the federal government’s fraud case against the Louis Berger Group that settled today for $69.3 million — the largest recovery...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
October 29, 2010
Whistleblower case alleging illegal export of military information settles
DENVER, COLORADO – Rocky Mountain Instrument Co. has agreed to pay $1 million to the federal government to settle civil charges, brought by Phillips & Cohen, related to the illegal export of...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
October 07, 2010
Medicare needs more, better reforms – Letter to the Editor
The Miami Herald published a letter from Phillips & Cohen partner Erika Kelton advocating that the government devote more resources to pursuing the backlog of whistleblower cases. Medicare needs more,...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
August 11, 2010
Most whistleblowers have ‘clean hands’ – Letter to the Editor
The Financial Times published the following letter to the editor written by Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton defending the SEC whistleblower program. Most whistleblowers have ‘clean...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
July 31, 2010
Keep the cheese out of it – Letter to the Editor
The Washington Post published the following letter to the editor from Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton discussing the need to change the way whistleblowers are viewed. Keep the cheese out of...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
July 21, 2010
Whistleblower in Sodexo kickback case comments on New York settlement
ALBANY, NEW YORK – The kickback case, brought by Phillips & Cohen, against Sodexo that the New York Attorney General settled today for $20 million began with the efforts of two brothers who persevered...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
June 23, 2010
Phillips & Cohen qui tam case against Northrop settles for $12.5 million
LOS ANGELES, CA – The fraud charges Northrop Grumman is settling today for $12.5 million were brought to the government’s attention by a company manager in its Salt Lake City, Utah, plant who...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
April 29, 2010
Whistleblower doctor comments on his case that helped expose illegal marketing of Topamax
WASHINGTON, DC – One of the two whistleblower lawsuits, brought by Phillips & Cohen, that is being settled as part of Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s and Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
March 17, 2010
Whistleblower kickback case against Alpharma results in $42.5 million recovery
WASHINGTON, DC – Alpharma Inc. has agreed to pay $42.5 million to the federal government and certain states to settle a whistleblower lawsuit, brought by Phillips & Cohen, that exposed an alleged...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
February 26, 2010
NY real estate investor, others settle Medicare fraud case
BOSTON, MA – In a whistleblower lawsuit, brought by Phillips & Cohen, alleging Medicare and Medicaid fraud involving a kickback and a cover-up, two prominent figures in the New York City real...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News