February 06, 2023
False Claims Act penalties increase
The US Department of Justice has raised the minimum and maximum penalties that can be assessed for violations of the False Claims Act, as well as civil monetary penalties under other laws, as part of...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
January 20, 2023
Supreme Court Takes on Cases on FCA’s Knowledge Standard
On January 13, the Supreme Court announced it would hear a pair of cases concerning a critical element of liability under the False Claims Act – a defendant’s mental state. A person violates the FCA...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
January 03, 2023
Congress Includes Needed Amendments for AML Whistleblowers in Omnibus Spending Bill
The $1.7 trillion year-end spending legislation passed by Congress and just signed by the President contains important amendments to the anti-money laundering (AML) whistleblower program. The Anti-Money...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
December 22, 2022
SEC Settles with Honeywell for $81 Million in Latest SEC Action for Paying Bribes in Brazil
On December 19, the SEC announced that Honeywell – a North Carolina-based manufacturer of aerospace, building technologies, and automation products – has agreed to pay more than $81 million to settle...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
October 04, 2022
Oracle to Pay $23 Million SEC Settlement in Second Bribery Case Involving Improper Slush Funds
On September 27, the SEC announced that the technology firm Oracle had agreed to pay $23 million to settle allegations that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by using off-the-books slush funds...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 27, 2022
Mind the tax gap!
By Molly Knobler of Phillips & Cohen LLP and attorney Tony Munter Government and academic sources refer to the difference in the amount of money paid in taxes and the amount owed as the “Tax...

Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 23, 2022
New SEC rules strengthen whistleblower program
Last month, in a 3-2 vote, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved two changes to the rules governing its whistleblower program. The amendments will strengthen the SEC’s whistleblower...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 17, 2022
There’s billions in “other” frauds outside of healthcare and defense contracting
Healthcare and defense spending rank number 1 and 2 in the federal budget every year. It is not surprising that they would similarly take top-billing in fraud recoveries. As described on September...

Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 07, 2022
On Clean Air Day, whistleblowers needed to ensure IRA implementation
Today, the world’s Fourth Annual Clean Air Day, we celebrate the United States’ historic investment in protecting our climate. Just three weeks ago, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
August 16, 2022
Why whistleblowers will be vital for the Inflation Reduction Act
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”) has many ambitious goals. To take a step back from the climate precipice we’ve walked onto. To bring down the cost of pharmaceuticals for American seniors....
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights