September 29, 2010
Supreme Court accepts “state secrets” cases for review
The Supreme Court has added two cases to its docket that will examine the possible limitations of the “sate secrets” doctrine. These cases involve Navy and military contractors whose contracts have...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 23, 2010
Corporate execs can run but can’t hide from Medicare fraud penalty under House-passed bill
The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would ban corporate executives from doing business with Medicare if their companies engaged in Medicare fraud – even if they left the companies before...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 14, 2010
Whistleblowers still SEC’s best weapon against fraud
While the exchanges bicker over the cost of implementing real-time market tracking systems (“Charges Bring SEC Hope for New Weapon,” Wall Street Journal, Aug. 30), on-the-ground whistleblowers remain...
September 09, 2010
Report suggests Pentagon watchdog is ignoring fraud
In a 73-page report released today, Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) has accused the Pentagon’s official watchdog of complete failure in their responsibility to audit defense contracts to prevent fraud....
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 08, 2010
Cisco and Westcon to pay $48 million in False Claims Act settlement
Cisco and Westcon Group North America have agreed to pay $48 million to settle allegations that they violated the False Claims Act through misrepresentations made to the General Services Administration...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
September 07, 2010
A toothless watchdog? Federal courts speak up when the SEC refuses
There’s a remarkable new trend in federal courts: Judges are refusing to rubber stamp deals federal agencies have worked out with financial industry defendants. Is this a sign of things to come? The...
September 02, 2010
Botox makers to plea guilty and pay for “off-label” marketing
Allergen, Inc., the maker of Botox Therapeutic, has agreed to plead guilty and pay $600 million, following the criminal and civil accusations that it was actively promoting Botox for “off-label” uses...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
August 24, 2010
New York Times comments on amended False Claims Act
This month’s New York False Claims Act amendment has received attention from the New York Times blogger Nicholas Confessore, who notes that the new law could “sharply expand investigations of wealthy...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
August 21, 2010
Florida hits benchmark for fraud control, obtains permission for pilot fraud control program
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum announced today that his Medicaid Fraud Control unit has recovered over $400 million since 2007, following numerous investigations into the activities of various...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
August 21, 2010
Energy companies to pay $6.9 million in settlement of whistleblower case
A case filed under the False Claims Act has resulted in the payment of $6.9 million to the United States by energy companies Dominion Oklahoma Texas Exploration & Production Inc. and Marathon Oil Company,...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights