July 03, 2012
Whistleblowers played key role in Glaxo’s $3 billion settlement
Two whistleblowers represented by Phillips & Cohen provided critical evidence that helped launch massive government investigations into Glaxosmithkline’s marketing practices, and resulted in...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
April 23, 2012
CFTC announces $14 million penalty in oil manipulation case
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has announced that Optiver Holding BV, a Dutch company, two U.S. subsidiaries and several officers will pay $14 million to settle allegations of manipulating the...
April 02, 2012
Are we teaching that fraud pays?
In a recent Forbes blog post, Phillips & Cohen attorney Erika Kelton tells of students who did an off-the-cuff cost/benefit analysis of Medicaid fraud and decided it might be a good way to get rich...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
April 02, 2012
Washington state now has a Medicaid false claims act
Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire has signed a Medicaid fraud false claims act. The act includes a qui tam provision, which will allow private citizens who discover fraud involving the state’s...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
March 22, 2012
Phillips & Cohen lawyer offers seven tips for a successful whistleblower program
Mandatory percentage awards, protection of whistleblowers’ identities, and encouragement of reporting through internal compliance programs are among the elements of a successful whistleblower program...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
March 22, 2012
NY State goes easy on Medicaid audits in response to industry pressure
New York State had been off to a good start in cracking down on health care fraud. The New York Times reports that efforts under former Gov. George Pataki resulted in $1.5 billion in overpayments being...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
March 06, 2012
Health care compliance educational resources from OIG
The Dept. of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General has developed a Compliance 101 page to help health care providers, practitioners, and suppliers understand the health care fraud and...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
January 31, 2012
Happy 25th Birthday, False Claims Act!
Although it attracted little fanfare when it was passed 25 years ago, the False Claims Act has proven to be a successful weapon in fighting fraud against the government. The Dept. of Justice will host...
Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
January 24, 2012
Proposed legislation would gut SEC whistleblower program
A recently introduced House bill has the potential to seriously undermine the effectiveness of the Security & Exchange Commission’s new whistleblower program, according to attorneys at Phillips...
December 28, 2011
2012: Year of the Whistleblower
Top Five Predictions For Whistleblower Programs; Blockbuster Year Expected Despite Intense Corporate Opposition The increased reach of U.S. whistleblower laws and a growing interest overseas in whistleblower...