December 27, 2016
C.R. Bard Whistleblower Julie Darity’s Story
Phillips & Cohen represented Julie Darity in a qui tam lawsuit against her former employer C.R. Bard Inc. that alleged the company was offering illegal kickbacks to entice doctors and hospitals to...
December 27, 2016
Yield Burning
In the municipal bond market, some investment banking firms engaged in fraudulent schemes known as “yield-burning,” where they charged excessive prices for U.S. Treasury securities sold to...
December 27, 2016
Violations of the Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA)
When the government needs to procure highly specialized weapons systems, it frequently chooses to use a company that already makes them, known as a “sole source supplier.” This ensures a company...
December 27, 2016
CFTC Whistleblower Program Overview
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) whistleblower program offers whistleblowers rewards, job protection, and confidentiality. It was created under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer...

Posted In Resources, SEC / CFTC Resources
December 27, 2016
Tax Whistleblower Story
Testimony of “Mr. ABC,” a confidential witness represented by Phillips & Cohen LLP, before the Senate Finance Committee – July 21, 2004. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I want...
December 27, 2016
IRS Whistleblower Information
IRS whistleblowers who provide information about tax fraud or tax underpayments that exceed $2 million to the Internal Revenue Service can do so confidentially and receive awards. The IRS awarded a Phillips...
Posted In Resources
December 27, 2016
Product Substitution
The government frequently specifies that its defense contractors build products using a certain grade or quality of parts. There often is a further requirement that the parts be purchased from American...
December 27, 2016
Phillips & Cohen News Archive
Phillips & Cohen Whistleblower News Archive (News stories published before 2007) For recent stories, see Phillips & Cohen In the Media. Phillips & Cohen is the nation’s most successful...
Posted In Resources
December 27, 2016
Municipal Transactions
The municipal finance industry is rife with fraud, and it’s often industry insiders who expose fraudulent schemes. Yield-burning is one way banks can defraud both the federal and municipal governments....
December 27, 2016
What is Upcoding and Unbundling Fraud? Healthcare Whistleblower Guide
Upcoding and unbundling are common types of healthcare fraud Upcoding, unbundling, and fragmentation represent common types of healthcare fraud, involving the manipulation of billing practices to illicitly...