December 27, 2016
GSA Contracts: Fraud and Whistleblowers
Companies that supply goods and services to the federal government may be liable under the False Claims Act if they falsely certify they are complying with government contract terms in their Multiple Award...
December 27, 2016
Grant or Program Fraud
The federal and state governments fund a variety of research and other specialized projects in the health care area. Typically, government funds are targeted for a specific and narrow purpose, a specialized...
December 27, 2016
Fraudulent Cost Reports
Medicare reimburses health care institutions for certain costs in addition to paying for individual procedures and treatment. Virtually every hospital and many other providers submit cost reports to Medicare,...
December 27, 2016
Fraud in Construction Projects
The federal government spends billions on public works projects and construction of federal buildings. Fraudulent practices by contractors include bid-rigging, overcharging for contracts and failing to...
December 27, 2016
FHA Mortgages
Mortgage companies and other lenders must certify that mortgage applicants meet a range of criteria, such as income and funds available to invest in a home, in order for the Federal Housing Administration...
December 27, 2016
False Certifications and Information
Health care providers who submit Medicare and Medicaid claims containing false statements also may be liable under the False Claims Act. Examples In Florida, five persons were involved in a scheme in which...
December 27, 2016
Failure to Comply with Contract Specifications
Because reliability is critical with expensive and lethal weapons systems, the Defense Department requires its contractors to build those systems in accordance with very detailed product specifications....
December 27, 2016
Cross-charging: Defense contractor fraud and improper cost allocation
Cross-charging and improper cost allocation in fixed-price and cost-plus defense contracts are some of the most common types of defense procurement fraud. Whistleblowers can expose cross-charging or improper...

December 27, 2016
Contractor Fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan
Phillips & Cohen has experience with qui tam lawsuits brought under the False Claims involving contractor fraud by U.S. contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. A qui tam contractor fraud case brought...
December 27, 2016
Wisconsin – Repealed
Repealed by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, effective July 14, 2015 The text of the law as it existed before the repeal can be viewed here. Other state qui tam laws