September 26, 1999
A Better Road for Whistle-Blowers – Letter to the Editor
The New York Times published the following letter to the editor from Phillips & Cohen partners John R. Phillips and Mary Louise Cohen discussing the path for whistleblowers. A Better Road For Whistle-Blowers...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
May 12, 1999
“Privatizing customs fraud enforcement under the False Claims Act.”
Article by Erika Kelton published in International Trade Reporter, 5/12/99. A new era in customs fraud enforcement is emerging as a result of a Civil War-era law. The law, known as the False Claims Act,...
March 18, 1999
“Blowing the whistle on customs fraud.”
Article by Erika Kelton published in Journal of Commerce, 3/18/1999. When the Customs Service issues its annual “Accountability Report” this spring, one key statistic will probably be missing: the...
March 01, 1997
Failure to Report Medicare Billing Errors – Is It Fraud?
Is it Medicare fraud when a healthcare provider fails to report Medicare billing errors? In many hospitals and other healthcare institutions, there is a tendency to think that nothing needs to be done...
February 10, 1997
“How to avoid liability under the False Claims Act.”
Article by John R. Phillips and Mary Louise Cohen published in American Medical News, February 10, 1997. The False Claims Act allows the government as well as private citizens to sue individuals or companies...