February 27, 2011
Whistle Stop – Letter to the Editor
The New York Post published the following letter to the editor from Phillips & Cohen partners Erika A. Kelton advocating more funding for the SEC Whistleblower Office. Whistle Stop Allegations of...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
December 13, 2010
“SEC whistle-blower program worth protecting.”
Article by Erika A. Kelton published in The Washington Post, 12/13/2010. Washington’s business lobby has sprung into action to kill the new Securities and Exchange Commission whistle-blower program...
November 22, 2010
Whistleblower Program – Letter to the Editor
The National Law Journal published a letter to the editor from Phillips & Cohen partners Erika A. Kelton written in response to a column by a defense attorney who criticized the SEC whistleblower...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
October 07, 2010
Medicare needs more, better reforms – Letter to the Editor
The Miami Herald published a letter from Phillips & Cohen partner Erika Kelton advocating that the government devote more resources to pursuing the backlog of whistleblower cases. Medicare needs more,...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
August 11, 2010
Most whistleblowers have ‘clean hands’ – Letter to the Editor
The Financial Times published the following letter to the editor written by Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton defending the SEC whistleblower program. Most whistleblowers have ‘clean...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
July 31, 2010
Keep the cheese out of it – Letter to the Editor
The Washington Post published the following letter to the editor from Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton discussing the need to change the way whistleblowers are viewed. Keep the cheese out of...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
February 25, 2010
Whistleblower played key role in Medicare fraud case against 11 hospitals; New York hospital latest to settle
LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK, Feb. 25, 2010 – Brookhaven Memorial Hospital Medical Center, a Long Island, N.Y, hospital, has agreed to pay $2.92 million, plus interest, to settle a “qui tam”...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
January 21, 2010
Korb wrong about whistleblower program, writer says – Letter to the Editor
Tax Analysts published a letter to the editor written by Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton in response to comments by the former chief counsel for the IRS, who was critical of the IRS whistleblower...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
July 06, 2009
Whistleblower bounty must go hand-in-hand with reform – Letter to the Editor
Letter to the editor of the Financial Times from Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton discussing the need for a whistleblower bounty. Whistleblower bounty must go hand-in-hand with reform Sir,...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
March 21, 2009
Encouraging Whistleblowers, Discouraging Fraud – Letter to the Editor
The Washington Post published the following letter from Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton discussing the benefits of having mandatory rewards for whistleblowers. Encouraging Whistleblowers,...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media