May 02, 2014
“FCA Wave Sparks Debate Over DOJ Power to Boot Weak Suits.”
Claire Sylvia in, 5/2/14. “I think the number of cases where [the Justice Department] could make that call are probably not as many as the defense bar thinks exist,” said Claire M. Sylvia,...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
April 01, 2014
“The Plight of an Overseas Whistleblower.”
Erika Kelton in i-Sight, 4/1/14. With an influx of overseas whistleblowers participating in a US government program that offers rewards for uncovering legal violations, it’s not uncommon for attorney...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
March 25, 2014
“The lurking risks of hospital-employed physicians: Stark, Anti-Kickback and False Claims Act compliance.”
Article by Peter W. Chatfield published in Healthcare Finance News, 3/25/2014. The federal laws prohibiting hospitals from paying physicians for referrals are not new, but hospitals need to be on notice:...
March 31, 2013
“Walk, Don’t Run – Experts Advise Prudence and Caution for Potential Whistleblowers.”
Erika Kelton in CFA Institute Magazine, March/April 2013. Do make sure that you really want to file a whistleblower claim. “Once it’s filed, it sets in motions something that you cannot stop,” says...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
March 14, 2013
“Tax Court Scrutinizes Whistleblower Office’s Delayed Decision.”
Erika Kelton in Tax Analysts , 3/14/13. Kelton told Tax Analysts that the Insinga order is important because “the Tax Court shows it is open to a more common sense approach than the IRS has often been...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
February 22, 2013
“DOJ Intervenes in Whistleblower Suit Against Lance Armstrong.”
Colette Matzzie in Legal Times, 2/22/13. “The United States invests considerable resources in the investigation of cases, interviewing witnesses and reviewing documents, to consider the validity of...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
February 05, 2013
“Erika Kelton on the Rise of SEC Whistleblower Cases.”
Erika Kelton in Corporate Crime Reporter, 2/5/13. Kelton a pro at bringing whistleblower cases. She has a couple of billion-dollar-plus False Claims Act qui tam cases under her belt . . . . But a significant...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
January 17, 2013
“Floyd Landis whistleblower suit targets more than Lance Armstrong.”
Peter Chatfield in The Washington Post, 1/17/13. False Claims Act whistleblower suits, which date from the Civil War era, are a mechanism for encouraging someone with information about fraud against the...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
January 03, 2013
FDA’s Campaign to Control the Practice of Medicine – Letter to the Editor
The Wall Street Journal published the following letter to the editor written by Phillips & Cohen partner Erika A. Kelton in response to an op-ed that criticized the prosecution of a doctor who was...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
April 27, 2012
“Can The SEC Be Trusted To Protect A Whistleblower’s Identity?”
Article by Erika A. Kelton published in Forbes, 4/27/12. The whistleblower world and Wall Street are abuzz with the question of whether the Securities and Exchange Commission inadvertently revealed the...