Medical Loss Ratio Fraud

Whistleblowers are essential for stopping medical loss ratio (MLR) fraud. They can do this by filing a “qui tam” (whistleblower) lawsuit. MLR fraud takes many forms, but usually involves reporting...
Posted In Qui Tam

Yield Burning

In the municipal bond market, some investment banking firms engaged in fraudulent schemes known as “yield-burning,” where they charged excessive prices for U.S. Treasury securities sold to...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources

Tax Whistleblower Story

Testimony of “Mr. ABC,” a confidential witness represented by Phillips & Cohen LLP, before the Senate Finance Committee – July 21, 2004. Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: I want...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources

IRS Whistleblower Information

IRS whistleblowers who provide information about tax fraud or tax underpayments that exceed $2 million to the Internal Revenue Service can do so confidentially and receive awards. The IRS awarded a Phillips...
Posted In Resources

Securities Law Whistleblowers

The Securities and Exchange Commission whistleblower reward program provides a way for whistleblowers to stop violations of securities laws and SEC rules and receive a reward. The SEC whistleblower program,...
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