July 07, 2022
New York Whistleblower Law: New York False Claims Act
What is the New York Whistleblower Law (New York False Claims Act)? The New York whistleblower law, called the New York False Claims Act, allows whistleblowers to file “qui tam” lawsuits against those...

June 16, 2022
California Whistleblower Law: The California False Claims Act
What is the California whistleblower law (California False Claims Act)? The California whistleblower law, also called the California False Claims Act, is a law that provides civil financial penalties to...

April 29, 2020
What is Qui Tam? Whistleblower’s Guide to Qui Tam Lawsuits
Content Updated: September 11, 2024 Qui tam is a type of lawsuit based on an ancient writ in common law that allows a private person, known as a qui tam relator, to prosecute a lawsuit for the government...

April 28, 2020
Whistleblower FAQs
5 Common Whistleblower FAQs Here are some questions whistleblowers often ask Phillips & Cohen lawyers about working with the law firm on a whistleblower case. 1) Can Phillips & Cohen represent...
April 27, 2020
SEC Whistleblower Program: How it Works, Protections & Rewards
What is an SEC Whistleblower? An SEC whistleblower (Securities and Exchange Commission) may receive a reward for reporting securities law violations if the SEC orders more than $1 million in sanctions...
Posted In Resources, SEC / CFTC Resources
Whistleblower Rewards: Award Payouts and How They Work
What are whistleblower rewards? Whistleblowers (known as “relators” in qui tam lawsuits) are awarded a whistleblower reward based on a percentage of the money recovered by the government when...
July 31, 2019
Cephalon Pays $425M to Settle Whistleblower Off-label Marketing Case
Updated: July 8, 2019 Whistleblower Bruce Boise – Cephalon opioid lollipops lawsuit WASHINGTON, DC – The government’s investigation into Cephalon Inc.’s illegal marketing practices...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
December 29, 2017
U.S. False Claims Act
The Statute FEDERAL FALSE CLAIMS ACT 31 USC 3729-3733 (As amended July 21, 2010, P.L. 111-203) § 3729. False claims (a) Liability for certain acts. (1) In general. Subject to paragraph (2), any person...
Tips for filing a qui tam case
1. Choose your whistleblower attorney carefully. Consider whether the lawyer has experience in qui tam lawsuits. The False Claims Act is a very complicated law, and a misinterpretation of its provisions...
December 27, 2017
Healthcare Fraud Whistleblowers
What is a healthcare fraud whistleblower? Healthcare fraud whistleblowers are defined as those who provide information about Medicare fraud, Medicaid fraud, and other healthcare fraud that costs the government...