December 27, 2016
Indiana Whistleblower Laws: Indiana False Claims and Whistleblower Protection Act
What are the Indiana Whistleblower Laws (Indiana False Claims Acts)? Indiana has two whistleblower laws, the Indiana False Claims and Whistleblower Protection Act and the Indiana Medicaid False Claims...

Georgia Whistleblower Law: Georgia False Claims Acts
What are the Georgia Whistleblower Laws (Georgia False Claims Acts)? Georgia has two whistleblower laws, the Georgia False Medicaid Claims Act and the Georgia Taxpayer Protection Act. Both allow whistleblowers...

Florida Whistleblower Law: The Florida False Claims Act
What is the Florida Whistleblower Law (Florida False Claims Act)? The Florida whistleblower law, called the Florida False Claims Act, allows whistleblowers to file “qui tam” lawsuits if they know of...

District of Columbia whistleblower law
What is the District of Columbia Whistleblower Law (the DC False Claims Act)? The District of Columbia whistleblower law, called the DC False Claims Act, imposes liability on persons who knowingly present...

Delaware Whistleblower Law: Delaware False Claims and Reporting Act
What is the Delaware Whistleblower Law (Delaware False Claims and Reporting Act)? The Delaware whistleblower law, called the Delaware False Claims and Reporting Act, is a statute based on the federal False...

Connecticut Whistleblower Law: The Connecticut False Claims Act
What is the Connecticut whistleblower law (False Claims Act)? The Connecticut whistleblower law, called the Connecticut False Claims Act, is a statute based on the federal False Claims Act that allows...

Understanding Off-Label Marketing & How to Blow the Whistle
What is off-label promotion and marketing? Off-label promotion, also referred to as off label marketing, is the unlawful practice of a company marketing its pharmaceuticals or medical devices for uses...
December 21, 2016
Grassley urges IRS commissioner-nominee to change anti-whistleblower culture
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), a long-time champion of whistleblowers and the creator of the IRS whistleblower program, has sent a letter to IRS commissioner nominee, John Koskinen, expressing hope that...
Posted In Resources
December 06, 2016
How to be a whistleblower
If you know of wrongdoing or fraud by your employer or other entity, you can take steps to stop it. Learn what you can do with that information and decide if becoming a whistleblower is right for you....
November 17, 2016
SEC whistleblower program has banner year in FY2016
The Securities and Exchange Commission took significant actions in FY2016 that made it a “historic” year for the SEC whistleblower program, according to a new report from the agency. The SEC paid out...