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“Attys Want These 3 Changes to IRS Whistleblower Program”

Phillips & Cohen partner Edward Arens spoke to Law 360 about necessary changes to the IRS Whistleblower Program.

“The agency needs to communicate with whistleblowers on an ongoing basis about their cases after they come forward with information, attorneys told Law360.”

The article reads, “Generally speaking, when the IRS gets a whistleblower claim, its communication with the whistleblower doesn’t go beyond an initial interview, according to Edward H. Arens of Phillips & Cohen LLP. Whistleblowers can get to the crux of many issues and save the agency a lot of time, he said. Increased collaboration with whistleblowers will add to their value for the agency, he said.”

The agency should “view whistleblowers as a resource,” Arens said.

Read the entire article, “Attys Want These 3 Changes to IRS Whistleblower Program,” Law 360, January 10, 2024.

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