February 24, 2021
“New Whistleblower Protection Laws Broaden OSHA’s Investigative Reach”
Phillips & Cohen partner Erika Kelton tells the Wall Street Journal that whistleblower protections in the new Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act and the Anti-Money Laundering Act will encourage...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
February 23, 2021
Appeals court upholds $114M verdict in whistleblowers’ kickbacks case
RICHMOND, VA, Feb. 23, 2021 – The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has soundly rejected challenges to a $114 million jury verdict obtained in a multi-whistleblower case against a former blood lab chief...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen News
February 22, 2021
Whistleblower attorney explains Supreme Court’s actions in two False Claims Act cases
The Supreme Court today declined to review lower court rulings on two cases involving “qui tam” whistleblower cases brought under the False Claims Act, including one that involves the issue of whether...

Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
February 18, 2021
Athena EHR settlement is win for whistleblowers exposing kickbacks, fraud
The recent settlement by electronic health records vendor athenahealthcare shows how whistleblowers are continuing to play a key role in exposing EHR kickbacks and fraud. Athenahealthcare Inc. agreed to...

Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
SEC Moves Signal More Aggressive Enforcement Under Biden
In an article for Forbes.com, Phillips & Cohen partner Erika Kelton says that changes at the SEC will energize enforcement and help whistleblower cases. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s enforcement...

February 03, 2021
“Illinois Supreme Court ruling in whistleblower case is victory for insurance fraud fight”
In an analysis of an Illinois court ruling in a qui tam matter, Phillips & Cohen associate Emily Stabile explains why the case could be a landmark for future whistleblower litigation, while making...