October 27, 2017
“Whistleblower protections here to stay, expert says”
Phillips & Cohen partner Erika Kelton was quoted by Law360 after she advocated for whistleblowers while speaking on a panel at the Securities Docket Enforcement Forum 2017 in Washington, DC, which...
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
October 25, 2017
Triple Canopy whistleblower case sets important precedent for False Claims Act lawsuits
A whistleblower case that settled last week reinforced an important principle for holding government contractors accountable under the False Claims Act for fraud. Government contractors that request payment...

Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
October 20, 2017
Digital Realty Trust v. Somers amicus brief: Dodd-Frank protections should apply to internal whistleblowers
An amicus brief filed this week in the Supreme Court case, Digital Realty Trust Inc. v. Paul Somers, argues that the whistleblower protections outlined in the Dodd-Frank Act should apply to all whistleblowers,...

October 12, 2017
New Namibia law marks first step toward whistleblower protection
In an effort to combat corruption, Namibia President Hage Geingob signed the Whistleblower Protection Act into law last week. The multifaceted law is an attempt to reduce the corruption that has plagued...

Posted In Whistleblower Law Insights
October 10, 2017
“$663M reversal has silver lining for whistle-blowers, attorneys say”
Phillips & Cohen partner Claire M. Sylvia spoke with Bloomberg BNA’s Federal Contracts Report about the silver lining in a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision, and what it means for whistleblowers....
Posted In Phillips & Cohen In The Media
October 05, 2017
Whistleblower protections and rewards needed in Australia – P&C whistleblower attorney
Phillips & Cohen partner Erika Kelton’s letter to the editor about the need for whistleblower rewards and protections in Australia was published in The Canberra Times. The full text of the letter...