December 27, 2016

Maryland Whistleblower Law

What are the Maryland Whistleblower Laws (the Maryland False Claims Acts and Maryland Whistleblower Reward Program)? Maryland has three whistleblower laws: the Maryland False Health Claims Act, the Maryland...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources

Louisiana Whistleblower Law

What is the Louisiana Whistleblower Law (Louisiana False Claims Act)? The Louisiana whistleblower law, the Louisiana Medical Assistance Programs Integrity Law, allows whistleblowers to file “qui tam”...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources

Iowa Whistleblower Law

What is the Iowa Whistleblower Law (Iowa False Claims Act)? The Iowa whistleblower law, the Iowa False Claims Act, imposes liability on persons or corporations who knowingly present false or fraudulent...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources

Former Wisconsin False Claims Act

Repealed by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, effective July 14, 2015 20.931 False claims for medical assistance; actions by or on behalf of state. (1) In this section:(b) “Claim” includes any request...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources

District of Columbia whistleblower law

What is the District of Columbia Whistleblower Law (the DC False Claims Act)? The District of Columbia whistleblower law, called the DC False Claims Act, imposes liability on persons who knowingly present...
Posted In Qui Tam, Resources
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